Meet The Face Behind Maximum Lock & Safe
I’m Darren Gough, the proud owner of Maximum Lock & Safe.
I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.
From a young age, I was good at working with my hands, and my father figured I would be a perfect candidate for a trade. So, one day when he had a locksmith come to change the locks of our Subway Sandwich restaurant, an opportunity presented itself.
I usually worked at the restaurant after school, and when the locksmith came to change our locks, I was helping out. When the locksmith saw me working behind the counter, he asked my father what my work aspirations were after I completed high school. My father, knowing about my crafty skills, said I would be perfect for a trade.
Hearing this, locksmith mentioned that he taught a class at a private locksmith association close by and suggested I check out the trade. After I was done with my work for the day, my dad informed me about this course and asked if I was interested in checking it out. While becoming a professional locksmith was never a part of my career plan, I wanted to see what this craft was all about.
So, with my father’s support, I signed up for the course and was quickly surprised as I managed to get high marks for the theory parts of the course as well as the on-hand aspects. It was at this point that I knew this trade was meant for me as everything seemed to come to me with ease. After I finished high school that following summer, I found a job as a locksmiths’ apprentice. And the rest, as they say, was history!
Upon building my skills as a professional locksmith, I decided to venture out on my own by launching my firm, Maximum Lock & Safe. I have been in business for over twenty-five years, and am happy with my achievements so far.
When I first started out, I faced a few challenges, the primary one being marketing. With no internet and social media at the time, I was reliant on Yellow Pages for advertising. While this provided a lot of residential work, it took a while for us to break into the commercial field. However, over the years, we evolved into more commercial work to complement our outstanding residential services.
Apart from helping individuals and businesses stay secure, the most satisfying part of our work is being able to solve problems that other locksmiths can’t seem to figure out. This has always been a mainstay with me as I have always made myself available to other companies to assist them in projects they are not qualified for. This applies to all my clients as well. When I finish, and the results are better than they imagined, their response to my work is truly fulfilling.
To achieve exceptional results every time, I work diligently, without cutting corners to achieve success on the first attempt. I honestly do not like going back to fix anything that should have been done correctly the first time around. I would rather pass on the job if I can’t use quality hardware. Therefore, when I take on a project, I promise to deliver quality, and I do exactly what I say.
At the same time, I make sure my clients can get in touch with me easily as they mostly need answers immediately. Also, in my experience, providing services quickly and efficiently adds to the client’s satisfaction.
To take our service efficiency to a whole new level, we have a fleet of service trucks adequately equipped for the services we need to perform. We also encourage our clients to send as many images as possible to help us diagnose their issue, and prepare to fix it immediately.
Through the years, I have achieved numerous feats, but the most satisfying one was when I did my first Abloy high-security lock master key system in a fifteen-story office tower in the heart of Down Town Toronto. To this day, it is one of my proudest moments in this business, and the highlights of my career.
When I am not at work, I enjoy playing hockey. I play hockey all year round. A few years ago, I built a ninety-foot by forty-two-foot hockey rink in my yard for friends and family to use, and I host a tournament with my hockey team here every year after Christmas. I have been doing this for the past ten years, and it continues to be a fun hobby.
Besides hockey, the Bell Let’s Talk organization is a big deal to me. Having had friends and family battle depression and anxiety, I do whatever possible to create awareness about mental illness and support mental health across the country through this organization.
I have enjoyed sharing my story about the things which matter to me and how they influence the way I do business.
If you or someone you know could benefit from my expertise as a commercial and residential locksmith in Whitby, ON, I invite you to get in touch. Please visit our website at